Massive Tory cuts to local government settlement funding have left councils across the country unable to balance their budgets and struggling to deliver even their minimum statutory services. Labour is now the largest party in local government in England for the first time since 2002. Should we win the Labour government the country so desperately needs, there is an enormous opportunity to turn the page on a disastrous status quo, but the Party leadership is yet to commit to restoring adequate and sustainable funding for local government.

If elected to the NEC, we will fight to make sure the next Labour Government delivers the funding necessary to ensure not just that all statutory responsibilities of councils are fully funded, but also that councils are able to use their discretionary powers according to local priorities.

We are both frontline representatives who have witnessed first hand the devastating impacts of cuts to local government funding on key services. 

If you believe that Labour’s Local Government representatives should be represented by councillors who will fight for proper funding, then please nominate Minesh Parekh and Soraya Adejare for the NEC local government representatives. Labour Groups have until noon on 28th June to nominate.


  • Proper Local Government Funding

We will consistently fight for an incoming Labour Government to reverse government grant cuts to ensure all local authorities receive the funding necessary to ensure not just that all their statutory responsibilities are fully funded, but also that they are able to use their discretionary powers according to local priorities. We support devolution, but this will be meaningless without proper funding.

  • International Solidarity

Some people would have you believe that international solidarity, peace and justice isn’t the business of councillors – we disagree. We both have track records of calling for a ceasefire in Gaza in our Labour Groups, and we will defend the rights of councils to participate in principled boycotts and disinvestment campaigns.

  • Democracy in Labour Groups

We oppose the over-concentration of power in Labour Groups. We would make sure all Labour councillors are listened to and their interests are represented on the NEC. We would look to strengthen links between Groups and local party structures, giving members a stronger voice.

  • Community Wealth Building and Insourcing

We support Community Wealth Building policies which keep wealth in communities and the insourcing of key services. We would support Labour councils to procure locally, and ally with institutions anchored in our communities to do the same. We stand for public investment in council housing and support for councils to stand up to exploitative private developers. 

  • Housing For the Many

Labour councillors know just how acute the housing crisis has grown across the whole UK. More people than ever have no prospect of owning their own home and are being forced to live in poorly maintained, overpriced and insecure privately rented accommodation. We stand for public investment in council housing and support for councils to stand up to exploitative private developers – let’s build on Labour’s proud history and build council homes at council rents to provide our residents with secure homes they can afford.

  • Local Climate Justice

Labour councils will be essential in delivering a green economy. Local authorities should be decarbonising housing to cut energy bills, providing publicly-owned and publicly-controlled  buses and trams, and creating good green jobs in the process. We’re standing for new powers and a funding uplift to help our councils lead the charge to net zero.

Minesh Parekh

Minesh Parekh


I’m Minesh, a Labour and Co-operative Councillor in Sheffield. I’m Chair of my Group and portfolio holder for Economic Development. In Sheffield I’ve worked with colleagues to support Community Wealth Building policies, mitigate the cost-of-living crisis, and to centre climate justice in our work. Despite the difficult economic context we face, I’m proud of the decisions taken to ringfence services and deliver for residents.

I’m also proud that Sheffield was the first council to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza; it is right that councils champion our communities’ voices and stand up for peace and justice.

As NEC Rep my priority would be increasing local government funding. This Tory Government has forced councils across the country to make unbearable cuts. It doesn’t have to be like this.

An alternative future is within reach; local authorities building council housing, creating good green jobs, and providing publicly-owned buses and trams. But we won’t get there with one arm tied behind our backs.

The next Labour Government can and must end fourteen years of austerity, lift the burden from our councils, and transform local government.

I hope to win your support, and be a voice for councillors and councils on the NEC.

You can contact me at mineshparekh.labour@gmail.com.

Soraya Adejare

Soraya Adejare


Having grown up in poverty amid austerity and far-right politics, the opportunities afforded me were minimal. I don’t want this replicated for anyone and throughout my 9 years as a Labour councillor in Hackney, I’ve worked tirelessly for the betterment of all. As an NEC representative I will continue to do so, also fighting for Labour to enable councils to build social housing on the scale needed for our communities.

I will be a loud voice calling for an incoming Labour Government to increase local government funding to ensure we can readily meet statutory obligations and restore services.

I have been consistent in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I believe that Labour councillors do have a responsibility to our residents to strive for peace and that’s why I support the right of councils to take principled decisions when supporting campaigns for peace.

I’m a single parent and supporter of the Single Parent Rights campaign. I brought it to Council and called for status recognition within the Equalities Act. As a current scrutiny chair, I’ve also worked collaboratively on our ongoing response to the Child Q case, our greening agenda and housing provision.

You can contact me at sorayaadejare.labour@gmail.com.